Thursday, November 13, 2008

President-Elect Àobāmǎ

Sorry for getting this up kinda late:

ChinaSMACK, following the presidential win of Barack Obama, put up this post which has a video of 奥巴马 (Àobāmǎ - Obama)'s acceptance speech with Chinese subtitles and translations of Chinese netizens' response to the speech. They vary between admiration for the speech and America, the excellent translation into Chinese, rally-cries for Chinese patriotism in response, and words of hope or speculation about what will come in light of this.To quote a few:

"A peace-bringing president. His has Chinese relatives, so he will be good towards our China. I hope him taking office can make relations between China and the United States like China and Pakistan. Then we would be brothers!!"

"Such high character. So good. When can China be like this?"

"I get angry when I see this kind of mentality. Sure, his speaking is not bad, but should you not think about which country you belong to? Hearing this kind of speech, seeing another country’s citizens moved/touched, what should we do? We should work hard for our country, defeat/beat America, and support our own country, right?"

"Too 'TM'* inspirational, this speech.
My blood boiled."

*Short for 他妈的 (tāmāde - lit. "his mother's..", meaning along the lines of "fucking"/"shit"--"too fucking inspirational")

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Values Americans Live By

In the weeks preceding the night of November 4th, when we learned Barack Obama will be the next President of the Unites States, the media was pervaded by all the could-bes, would-bes, maybes...all the whispered words of wonder at the possibility, buzzing around the polls of late October. Among these, Nicholas Krist of the New York Times brought up the the influence an increasingly likely election of Obama would have on the American image around the world. To illustrate the power of this statement, he related a short anecdote:
The other day I had a conversation with a Beijing friend and I mentioned that Barack Obama was leading in the presidential race:

She: Obama? But he’s the black man, isn’t he?

Me: Yes, exactly.

She: But surely a black man couldn’t become president of the United States?

Me: It looks as if he’ll be elected.

She: But president? That’s such an important job! In America, I thought blacks were janitors and laborers.

Me: No, blacks have all kinds of jobs.

She: What do white people think about that, about getting a black president? Are they upset? Are they angry?

Me: No, of course not! If Obama is elected, it’ll be because white people voted for him.

[Long pause.]

She: Really? Unbelievable! What an amazing country!

Today, November 5th, the New York Times shows us reactions from around the world at Obama's successful election to the office of President. Smiling children, American flag waving, jubilation. This is a momentous event, and I am mesmerized by the intensity American politics are followed and celebrated by those beyond our borders. The BBC has its own dedicated section to the election that rivals that of any domestic news source. When have reports of UK parliamentary elections ever been delivered, blow by blow on an American news outlet? The power of both the American nation and its image is certainly something to give pause. I for one am happy that people seem to be waving the American flag with smiles.

Talking of American image and American identity leads me to my own anecdote. The fall before I set out for China, I was sent a packet of pre-departure materials and information. Among the leaflets about the program I would attend, a study abroad magazine, and various other fliers about culture shock and how to live in China, was a page containing Values Americans Live By (written by L. Robert Kohls). It's interesting to read about one's own culture from an external point-of-view. I read these with curious interest at the time, and I later came to appreciate the qualities of America more and more as I lived abroad. While I always had pride in my country, my time abroad made me a patriot, I believe. In the throes of politics and partisanship, it's not hard to exclaim with incredulity at the other side, but I assure you--red or blue, we have something special here. God Bless America. I hope you'll enjoy reading this; somethings you might agree with, others you might not. Some of it I believe is particularly important today.

The Values Americans Live By
by L. Robert Kohls

Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically, what the values are that Americans live by. They have never given the matter much thought.
Even if Americans had considered this question, they would probably, in the end, decide not to answer in terms of a definitive list of values. The reason for this decision is itself one very American value—their belief that every individual is so unique that the same list of values could never be applied to all, or even most, of their fellow citizens.
Although Americans may think of themselves as being more varied and unpredictable than they actually are, it is significant that they think they are. Americans tend to think they have been only slightly influenced by family, church or schools. In the end, each believes, "I personally chose which values I want to live my own life by."
Despite this self-evaluation, a foreign anthropologist could observe Americans and produce a list of common values that would fit most Americans. The list of typically American values would stand in sharp contrast to the values commonly held by the people of many other countries.
We, the staff of the Washington International Center, have been introducing thousands of international visitors to life in the United States for more than a third of a century. This has caused us to try to look at Americans through the eyes of our visitors. We feel confident that the values listed here describe most (but not all) Americans.
Furthermore, we can say that if the foreign visitor really understood how deeply ingrained these 13 values are in Americans, he or she would then be able to understand 95% of American actions—action that might otherwise appear strange or unbelievable when evaluated from the perspective of the foreigner’s own society and its values.
The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and values of that particular group. When you encounter an action, or hear a statement in the United States that surprises you, try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed here. For example, when you ask Americans for directions to get to a particular address in their own city, they may explain, in great detail, how you can get there on your own, but may never even consider walking two city blocks with you to lead you to the place. Some foreign visitors have interpreted this sort of action as showing Americans’ "unfriendliness." We would suggest, instead, that the self-help concept (value number 6 on our list), is so strong in Americans that they firmly believe that no adult would ever want, even temporarily, to be dependent on another. Also, their future orientation (value 8) makes Americans think it is better to prepare you to find other addresses on your own in the future.
Before proceeding to the list itself, we should also point out that Americans see all of these values as very positive ones. They are not aware, for example, that the people in many Third World countries view change (value 2) as negative or threatening. In fact, all 13 of these American values are judged by many of the word’s citizens as negative and undesirable. Therefore, it is not enough simply to familiarize yourself with these values. You must also, so far as possible, consider them without the negative or derogatory connotation that they might have for you, based on your own experience and cultural identity.
It is important to state emphatically that our purpose in providing you with this list of the most important American values is not to convert you, the foreign visitor, to our values. We couldn’t achieve that goal even if we wanted to, and we don’t want to. We simply want to help you understand the Americans with whom you will be relating—from their own value system rather that from yours.

L. Robert Kohls, Executive Director
The Washington International Center
Washington, D.C.
April 1984

Americans no longer believe in the power of Fate, and they have come to look at people who do as being backward, primitive, or hopelessly naïve. To be call "fatalistic" is one of the worst criticisms one can receive in the American context; to an American, it means one is superstitious and lazy, unwilling to take any initiative in bringing about improvement.
In the United States, people consider it normal and right that Man should control Nature, rather than the other way around. More specifically, people believe every single individual should have control over whatever in the environment might potentially affect him or her. The problems of one’s life are not seen as having resulted from bad luck as much as having come from one’s laziness in pursuing a better life. Furthermore, it is considered normal that anyone should look out for his or her own self-interests first and foremost.
Most Americans find it impossible to accept that there are some things that lie beyond the power of humans to achieve. And Americans have literally gone to the moon, because they refused to accept earthly limitations.
Americans seem to be challenged, even compelled, to do, by one means or another (and often at great cost) what seven-eighths of the world is certain cannot be done.

In the American mind, change is seen as an indisputably good condition. Change is strongly linked to development, improvement, progress, and growth. Many older, more traditional cultures consider change as a disruptive, destructive force, to be avoided if at all possible. Instead of change, such societies value stability, continuity, tradition, and a rich and ancient heritage—none of which are valued very much in the United States.
These first two values—the belief that we can do anything and the belief that any change is good—together with an American belief in the virtue of hard work and the belief that each individual has a responsibility to do the best he or she can do have helped Americans achieve some great accomplishments. So whether these beliefs are true is really irrelevant; what is important is that Americans have considered them to be true and have acted as if they were, thus, in effect, causing them to happen.

Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. To the foreign visitor, Americans seem to be more concerned with getting things accomplished on time (according to a predetermined schedule) than they are with developing deep interpersonal relations. Schedules, for the American, are meant to be planned and then followed in the smallest detail.
It may seem to you that most Americans are completely controlled by the little machines they wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off abruptly to make it to their next appointment on time.
Americans’ language is filled with references to time, giving a clear indication of how much it is valued. Time is something to be "on," to be "kept," "filled," "saved," "used," "spent," "wasted," "lost," "gained," "planned," "given," "made the most of," even "killed."
The international visitor soon learns that it is considered very rude to be late—even by 10 minutes—for an appointment in the United States. (Whenever it is absolutely impossible to be on time, you should phone ahead and tell the person you have been unavoidably detained and will be a half hour—or whatever—late.)
Time is so valued in America, because by considering time to be important one can clearly accomplish more that if one "wastes" time and does not keep busy. This philosophy has proven its worth. It has enabled Americans to be extremely productive, and productivity itself is highly valued in the United States. Many American proverbs stress the value in guarding our time, using it wisely, setting and working toward specific goals, and even expending our time and energy today so that the fruits of our labor may be enjoyed at a later time. (This latter concept is called "delayed gratification.")

Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been "created equal." Most Americans believe that God views all humans alike without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status. In secular terms this belief is translated into the assertion that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed in life. Americans differ in opinion about how to make this ideal into a reality. Yet virtually all agree that equality is an important civic and social goal.
The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations—even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order. Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. People outside the United States consider it reassuring to know, from birth, who they are and where they fit into the complex system called "society".
Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Americans have an aversion to treating people of high position in a deferential manner, and, conversely often treat lower class people as if they were very important. Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered "just like anybody else" while in the country.

The individualism that has been developed in the Western world since the Renaissance, beginning in the late 15th century, has taken its most exaggerated form in 20th century United States. Here, each individual is seen as completely and marvelously unique, that is, totally different from all other individuals and, therefore, particularly precious and wonderful.
Americans think they are more individualist in their thoughts and actions than, in fact, they are. They resist being thought of as representatives of a homogenous group, whatever the group. They may, and do, join groups—in fact many groups—but somehow believe they’re just a little different, just a little unique, just a little special, from other members of the same group. And they tend to leave groups as easily as they enter them.
Privacy, the ultimate result of individualism is perhaps even more difficult for the foreigner to comprehend. The word "privacy" does not even exist in many languages. If it does, it is likely to have a strongly negative connotation, suggesting loneliness or isolation from the group. In the United States, privacy is not only seen as a very positive condition, but it is also viewed as a requirement that all humans would find equally necessary, desirable and satisfying. It is not uncommon for Americans to say—and believe—such statements as "If I don’t have at least half an hour a day to myself, I will go stark raving mad."
Individualism, as it exists in the United States, does mean that you will find a much greater variety of opinions (along with the absolute freedom to express them anywhere and anytime) here. Yet, in spite of this wide range of personal opinion, almost all Americans will ultimately vote for one of the two major political parties. That is what was meant by the statement made earlier that Americans take pride in crediting themselves with claiming more individualism than, in fact, they really have.

In the United States, a person can take credit only for what he or she has accomplished by himself or herself. Americans get no credit whatsoever for having been born into a rich family. (In the United States, that would be considered "an accident of birth.") Americans pride themselves in having been born poor and, through their own sacrifice and hard work, having climbed the difficult ladder of success to whatever level they have achieved—all by themselves. The American social system has, of course, made it possible for Americans to move, relatively easily, up the social ladder.
Take a look in an English-language dictionary at the composite words that have "self" as a prefix. In the average desk dictionary, there will be more than 100 such words, words like self-confidence, self-conscious, self-control, self-criticism, self-deception, self-defeating, self-denial, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-expression, self-importance, self-improvement, self-interest, self-reliance, self-respect, self-restraint, self-sacrifice—the list goes on and on. The equivalent of these words cannot be found in most other languages. The list is perhaps the best indication of how seriously Americans take doing things for one’s self. The "self-made man or women" is still very much the ideal in 20th-century America.

Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age level. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer.
You may find the competitive value disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition. But many U.S. Peace Corps volunteers teaching in Third World countries found the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing. They soon learned that what they thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value.
Americans, valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it—free enterprise. Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and, ultimately, that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas—even in fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, education, and sports—that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America.

Valuing the future and the improvements Americans are sure the future will bring means that they devalue that past and are, to a large extent, unconscious of the present. Even a happy present goes largely unnoticed because, happy as it may be, Americans have traditionally been hopeful that the future would bring even greater happiness. Almost all energy is directed toward realizing that better future. At best, the present condition is seen as preparatory to a latter and greater event, which will eventually culminate in something even more worthwhile.
Since Americans have been taught (in value 1) to believe that Man, and not Fate, can and should be the one who controls the environment, this has made them very good at planning and executing short-term projects. This ability, in turn, has caused Americans to be invited to all corners of the earth to plan and achieve the miracles that their goal-setting can produce.
If you come from a culture such as those in the traditional Moslem world, where talking about or actively planning the future is felt to be a futile, even sinful, activity, you will have not only philosophical problems with this very American characteristic but religious objections as well. Yet it is something you will have to learn to live with, for all around you Americans will be looking toward the future and what it will bring.

"Don’t just stand there," goes a typical bit of American advice, "do something!" This expression is normally used in a crisis situation, yet, in a sense, it describes most American’s entire waking life, where action—any action—is seen to be superior to inaction.
Americans routinely plan and schedule an extremely active day. Any relaxation must be limited in time, pre-planned, and aimed at "recreating" their ability to work harder and more productively once the recreation is over. Americans believe leisure activities should assume a relatively small portion of one’s total life. People think that it is "sinful" to "waste one’s time," "to sit around doing nothing," or just to "daydream."
Such a "no nonsense" attitude toward life has created many people who have come to be known as "workaholics," or people who are addicted to their work, who think constantly about their jobs and who are frustrated if they are kept away from them, even during their evening hours and weekends.
The workaholic syndrome, in turn, causes Americans to identify themselves wholly with their professions. The first question one American will ask another American when meeting for the first time is related to his or her work: "Where do you work?," or "Who (what company) are you with?"
And when such a person finally goes on vacation, even the vacation will be carefully planned, very busy and active.
America may be one of the few countries in the world where it seems reasonable to speak about the "dignity of human labor," meaning by that, hard, physical labor. In America, even corporation presidents will engage in physical labor from time to time and gain, rather than lose, respect from others for such action.

If you come from a more formal society, you will likely find Americans to be extremely informal, and will probably feel that they are even disrespectful of those in authority. Americans are one of the most informal and casual people in the world, even when compared to their near relative—the Western European.
As one example of this informality, American bosses often urge their employees to call them by their first names and even feel uncomfortable if they are called by the title "Mr." or "Mrs."
Dress is another area where American informality will be most noticeable, perhaps even shocking. One can go to a symphony performance, for example, in any large American city nowadays and find some people in the audience dressed in blue jeans and tieless, short-sleeved shirts.
Informality is also apparent in American’s greetings. The more formal "How are you?" has largely been replaced with an informal "Hi." This is as likely to be used to one’s superior as to one’s best friend.
If you are a highly placed official in your own country, you will probably, at first, find such informality to be very unsettling. American, on the other hand, would consider such informality as a compliment! Certainly it is not intended as an insult and should not be taken as such.

Many other countries have developed subtle, sometimes highly ritualistic, ways of informing other people of unpleasant information. Americans, however, have always preferred the first approach. They are likely to be completely honest in delivering their negative evaluations. If you come from a society that uses the indirect manner of conveying bad news or uncomplimentary evaluations, you will be shocked at Americans’ bluntness.
If you come from a country where saving face is important, be assured that Americans are not trying to make you lose face with their directness. It is important to realize that an American would not, in such case, lose face. The burden of adjustment, in all cases while you are in this country, will be on you. There is no way to soften the blow of such directness and openness if you are not used to it except to tell you that the rules have changed while you are here. Indeed, Americans are trying to urge their fellow countrymen to become even more open and direct. The large number of "assertiveness" training courses that appeared in the United States in the late 1970s reflects such a commitment.
Americans consider anything other than the most direct and open approach to be dishonest and insincere and will quickly lose confidence in and distrust anyone who hints at what is intended rather than saying it outright.
Anyone who, in the United States, chooses to use an intermediary to deliver that message will also be considered manipulative and untrustworthy.

Americans have a reputation of being an extremely realistic, practical and efficient people. The practical consideration is likely to be given highest priority in making any important decision in the United States. Americans pride themselves in not being very philosophically or theoretically oriented. If Americans would even admit to having a philosophy, it would probably be that of pragmatism.
Will it make any money? Will it "pay its own way?" What can I gain from this activity? These are the kinds of questions that Americans are likely to ask in their practical pursuit, not such questions as: Is it aesthetically pleasing? Will it be enjoyable?, or Will it advance the cause of knowledge?
This practical, pragmatic orientation has caused Americans to contribute more inventions to the world than any other country in human history. The love of "practicality" has also caused Americans to view some professions more favorably than others. Management and economics, for example, are much more popular in the United States than philosophy or anthropology, law and medicine more valued than the arts.
Another way in which this favoring of the practical makes itself felt in the United States, is a belittling of "emotional" and "subjective" evaluations in favor of "rational" and "objective" assessments. Americans try to avoid being too sentimental in making their decisions. They judge every situation "on its merits." The popular American "trail-and-error" approach to problem solving also reflects the practical. The approach suggests listing several possible solutions to any given problem, then trying them out, one-by-one, to see which is most effective.

Foreigners generally consider Americans much more materialistic than Americans are likely to consider themselves. Americans would like to think that their material objects are just the natural benefits that always result from hard work and serious intent—a reward, they think, that all people could enjoy were they as industrious and hard-working as Americans.
But by any standard, Americans are materialistic. This means that they value and collect more material objects than most people would ever dream of owning. It also means they give higher priority to obtaining, maintaining and protecting their material objects than they do in developing and enjoying interpersonal relationships.
The modern American typically owns:

* one or more color television sets,
* an electric hair dryer,
* an electronic calculator,
* a tape recorder and a record player,
* a clothes-washer and dryer,
* a vacuum cleaner,
* a powered lawn mower (for cutting grass),
* a refrigerator, a stove, and a dishwasher,
* one or more automobiles,
* and a telephone. Many also own a personal computer.

Since Americans value newness and innovation, they sell or throw away their possessions frequently and replace them with newer ones. A car may be kept for only two or three years, a house for five or six before trading it in for another one.

Now that we have discussed each of these 13 values separately, if all too briefly, let us look at them in list form (on the left) and then consider them paired with the counterpart values from a more traditional country (on the right):

U.S. Values Some Other
Countries' Values
Personal Control over
the Environment


Time & Its Control





Future Orientation

Action/Work Orientation



Practicality/Efficiency Materialism/Acquisitiveness


Human Interaction


Group’s Welfare

Birthright Inheritance


Past Orientation

"Being" Orientation





Which list more nearly represents the values of your native country?

Before leaving this discussion of the values Americans live by, consider how knowledge of these values explains many things about Americans.
One can, for example, see America’s impressive record of scientific and technological achievement as a natural result of these 13 values.
First of all, it was necessary to believe (1) these things could be achieved, that Man does not have to simply sit and wait for Fate to bestow them or not to bestow them, and that Man does have control over his own environment, if he is willing to take it. Other values that have contributed to this record of achievement include (2) an expectation of positive results to come from change (and the acceptance of an ever-faster rate of change as "normal"); (3) the necessity to schedule and plan ones’ time; (6) the self-help concept; (7) competition; (8) future orientation; (9) action work orientation; (12) practicality; and (13) materialism.
You can do the same sort of exercise as you consider other aspects of American society and analyze them to see which of the 13 values described here apply. By using this approach you will soon begin to understand Americans and their actions. And as you come to understand them, they will seem less "strange" than they did at first.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Links and YouTube Ethnography

Hey folks, as part of what I will cautiously refer to as the "revitalization" of this blog, I have added a couple of new links to the sidebar.

The first is a website that has garnered a lot of attention in the last few weeks from the China-watching blogosphere, by which I mean and Time's China Blog. ChinaSMACK tackles an interesting Chinese niche to which no other blog (at least as far as I know) has really invested more than a cursory effort in revealing to the non-native world of China and those interested in its modern moment. The site describes its focus as "Hot internet stories, pictures, & videos in China. What’s popular, scandalous, or shocking that have the Chinese talking," posting the latest viral sensations of the Chinese internet and (perhaps best of all) translations Chinese netizens' responses in online forums. Reading about both these stories and internet users' responses (I believe China is now home to the world's most internet users, but am too lazy to cite a source on that one), one hopefully will find some cultural insight. I'm personally fascinated by the internet slang found in netizens' posts and the various detours of language to express a meaning or word that might be too sensitive or vulgar for the tastes of the PRC's internet sleuths. An example I came across just now: calling someone a "hard disc person," a "hard disc" meaning "Western digital" (a company name), giving the letters WD, standing for "wai di" (外地) person...or outsider. Wow. We can thank ChinaSMACK for providing a great glossary of these sorts of terms along with all the "colorful metaphors" one needs for proper appreciation of the Chinese language.

The other link takes you to the YouTube home of Chris3443, whose videos have been featured from time to time on Danwei and even praised (I guess?) on Sexy Beijing's YouTube video shout-out. Chris' delightful home-videos feature Chinese renditions of national anthems, lip-synching of Chinese rock, original music stylings, political question and answer sessions with his Chinese girlfriend, and generally fun montages of life in a "second/third-tier" city of north-central China, watched by both foreigners and Chinese. On the YouTube page you can find a playlist of videos Chris thinks you should watch first. Look for transcriptions and translations up in the video's description area (click "more").

Furthering the theme of YouTube "ethnography" is a Sexy Beijing, now two-months old, which I just recently discovered. In Sexy Beijing YouTube Takeover our favorite, sexy Beijing laowai heroine lists out their favorite China-related YouTube videos according to category:

Music and Youth Culture
Beijing Natives by Zhang Bohong
Graffiti Shanghai by Adam Schokora and DanweiTV

Documentaries and Viral Videos
Romance China Style by journeymanpictures
Mad About English by journeypictures2008
Eye on Gay Shanghai by QAF Beijing
I'm Begging You, Sofie by Chris 3443
China's Green Beat - Rooftop Revolution by sustainablejohn
The Most Greatest Self-Made MV by Mrbombdi
Beijing Polar Bear by captainbundington
I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change by The Asia Society
Hong Kong Bus Uncle by Hello Allan


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tibet - Part I

(Part I, written in the summer... I hope to write Part II sometime...)

I’ve been meaning to write about the subject of Tibet since shortly after the riots this past March, and while I’ve amassed a collection of links, I’ve found the pressures of my final semester at school to be too consuming. Now that I’m graduated and faced with the guiltless downtime outside the hours of work, I can focus on revitalizing this blog—and hopefully both demystify and complicate aspects of the 21st century conundrum that is modern China.

It is hard to approach Tibet objectively, as many in the West have grown up with a popularized view of an devoutly pious and harmless people living amid snow mountains, oppressed since the 1950s by the atheistic, communist forces of Red China which have since sought to exploit this people and their home to the utmost extent, eradicating dangerous religiosity and culture all along the way. This characterization has shades of truth.

For quick and simple overview of Tibet, the BBC comes to the rescue. China and Tibet have had a long, antagonistic relationship dating back to the 7th century CE, eventually coming under Mongolian and Chinese influence starting in the 13th century. Since then, the country enjoyed effective autonomy only after the revolution ending the Qing Dynasty in 1911. The ensuing chaos of the formation of a democratic government and subduing of warlords and the subsequent invasion by the Japanese and civil war left Tibet unnoticed in the distant periphery—until 1950, when the newly established People’s Republic of China decided to bring “Liberation” to Tibet—militarily of course. Within the decade, there was open rebellion, sponsored by the American CIA, and with its unsuccessful conclusion, the Dalai Lama fled to northern India, from where he runs the government-in-exile today.

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, is popularly received in the West. He is the smiling face of the Tibetan cause, loveable ambassador of his people—interviewed on TV, visited by celebrities and world leaders, even co-starring Brad Pitt (sort of). The Dalai Lama seemingly has pursued without rest the well-treatment of his people from exile, but some would say things have gone astray. Despite his gregarious icon-status, Patrick French in the New York Times asserts that his political strategy of generating popular attention to the cause of Tibet in the west has actually been detrimental. The Dalai Lama has in fact become somewhat of a puppet to the larger, more powerful Free Tibet organizations that pressure for unrealistic concessions on the part of the P.R.C. The Tibetan people inside are actually suffering due to the “good-will” celebrity status of the Dalai Lama. Mistaking awards and medals given to the Dalai Lama by governments abroad, they celebrate or test the local authorities, resulting in arrests, human rights violations, and even deaths with no response from those foreign governments.

What many in the West fail to realize is the extent of Tibet and its ethnic sphere when they talk about “freeing Tibet” or separation from the Chinese state. Tibet on the map, actually the province of the People’s Republic of China known as the Tibetan Autonomous Region (or TAR for short) only encompasses what is historically western Tibet and Lhasa. Tibetan culture and population in fact fans out through four other provinces of western China (which I might add, until the riots in March did not require a special travel permit) as seen in the BBC map here. Additionally for a discussion and revealing peek into Tibetan culture, both in the TAR and Western China, I highly recommend reading Life on the Tibetan Plateau. This is not some big secret, it is in fact clearly visible to the Chinese. For instance, northwestern Yunnan Province is called “Dêqên Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture." The rest of these provinces have similar counties, prefectures, and regions nominally Tibetan. These provinces, however, contain largely diverse populations made up not only of many, many Han Chinese (the predominant ethnic group of China at 92% of the population) as well as a great range of other ethnic minorities. It is not realistic to imagine the PRC would simply relinquish control of this large territory for the idealistic independence of celebrity culture. Despite the power and influence of the western Free Tibet organizations, not even the Dalai Lama advocates independence from China, but simply greater autonomy and more religious freedom—a subject to which I will return.

We should talk about the “2008 Tibetan Unrest” or what is also known as the “3-14 Riots.” What began on March 10, 2008 as demonstrations marking the 49th anniversary of the failed Tibetan 1959 Tibetan Uprising turned into violent riots on March 14. The true extent of damage to property and human life may never be known. While western media largely focused on the PRC’s military response to the situation and demonstrations in neighboring countries, the facts coming out of Lhasa and other sites of demonstrations/riots were not very clear or concrete. In the wake of the initial media blitz, Chinese response took the internet by storm, putting up such websites as which systemically reveal the bias of western media in description of events, doctoring of photos, and mismatched captions often showing bloody crackdowns carried out by Nepali police on Tibetan demonstrations with captions about Tibet. It’s really worth a look. Blogs of western travelers in Lhasa and other places where Tibetans were rioting affirmed Chinese assertions that the demonstrations were anything but peaceful. Photos used in the news, when showed un-doctored, reveal the violent intentions of the Tibetans. The damage it was revealed was not so much in the Tibetan areas of Lhasa, but specifically focused on the areas in which Han Chinese lived and ran shops. When looking at videos of Tibetan violence put on the internet afterwards we see the demonstrations largely descended into unrestrained thuggery on the part of the Tibetans. Does the military response on the part of the Chinese government really seem an overreaction now?

We cannot condone the violence of the Tibetans and the damage done to innocent Han Chinese (and reportedly people of the Hui minority as well), but this violence is an indicator of something. While those outside of Tibet have accused the Chinese of committing “cultural genocide” by means of suppression of religious freedom, placing restraints on Tibetan Buddhist monks, and encouraging Han Chinese migration and travel into these Tibetan areas specifically for the purpose of diluting cultural purity/exclusivity (such as the new Qinghai-Tibet Railway). On the ground, however, the last is probably the most influencing factor. While the Chinese government claims they have liberated the Tibetan people from serfdom under the rule of the Dalai Lama and brought economic development to the province, disgruntled Tibetans claim only the Han Chinese immigrants have benefited from the economic improvements, while Tibetans are discriminated against by Han Chinese companies, run out by Han Chinese small business owners, and forced to take only the worst and most dangerous jobs available. Obviously there is something out of place if people feel the urge to take to the streets and commit violence against another ethnic group.