What you might not have seen, unless you know where to look, is the response to the article on Danwei:
Danwei received email from two old China hand journalists yesterday regarding the New York Times story linked here:
Wise Hack A:
Here's one of those great stories that the ever lazy hack pack recycle every so often - floods of Yanks coming to China for jobs.
No evidence whatsoever for this but it gets churned out again every couple of years I note.
Wise Hack B:
Please please mention the NYT "no Mandarin required" article and what
an absolute crock of shit it is. Thanks.
Stan Abrams at China Hearsay concurs:
Sorry, that is some real skewed bullshit writing there.
For a more detailed response to the article, with practical and realistic advice on the subject, I suggest you read Shaun Rein's piece on Forbes.com. The bottom line:
One of the best ways to start a career in China is at a school. Apply for Mandarin language study for a semester, or see if you can get a job teaching English. That will get you a visa, you'll begin to learn the language and appreciate the culture, and, importantly, you'll begin to network and find out where the great job opportunities are.
Sound familiar?
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